Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Sup bras and nigrars!

I'm back with my fatblogv2 to inform you of the glorious path i take towards weightloss (not nescessarily actuall weight loss).  THis is a blog that will be filled joy, wonder and happiness but spelling and grammar can fuck right off and dont't xpect and of that fancy stuff on melodies blog (that shit gives me seizures).

So anywho after conversing with a friend over msn as to why i would start this blog again its was a particula event last night that brought this forth. Do you ever remember when you were young and you would run into your parents bathroom and jump on the scales to weight urself.  And after that u would sorta jump on it to put more force down to see how far you could spin the weight disk around.  If you were strong u might even get it to go around the whole way before the spinner would promptly return to like 50 kilos or some shit.  ANyway last night i stepped on raines scales.  The thing unceremoniously span around the whoke fucking way and went past the start point, and stopped a seven kilos.  The scales goes up to 120 so that means i now weight 127 kilos, which is about 280 pounds, only 20 pounds of homer simpsons weight in king size homer.  So i was like holy shit that awesome i span the whole thing roung without even trying.  But then like i realeased this was probably time to shed one or 40 kilos.  i think at the start of my last fat blog i was like 115 which means rather than losing any weight ive put on 12 kilos.  GG

other factor which may have also slightly influenced me in my decision to try and lose weight again are constant fatigue and loss of energy, inability to concerntrate on task or stay awake through movies or classes, lack of blood flow to extrimeties cause numbness in my limbs (i wake up at least a couple of times a night not being able to move one arm or leg depending on how i sleep) chest pains, shortness of breath, exhaustion at the slightess amount of exercise, pain after excericse and Leon constantly telling me im literally going to die soon.  also i struggle to find clothes that fit me.  what a load of bullshit that is. 

The question is how do i lose weight? liposuction? cannot afford. so it will probably have to be exercise and diet.  I do not like the idea of dieting at all.  I love food, especially unhealthy food and the idea of giving up fast food and coke is not something i could deal with.  Also i remeber when khanat tried to give up fast food and it was totaly shit for him cause we only eat crap when we go out so he could never have anything that the group would be eating. But i think cutting down on a few things like tim tams at home (there is like three empty packs on my desk atm) and other shit when im not with people is probably a good start.

In terms of exercise i've decided to go back to swimming with a squad (not by myself/ with lucy or whitney cause i never try) but this wasnt so much oh a health decision more that i miss swimming and want to go back . I'm not sure when that will start though cause i no most squads take a brake over december and im away for most of january.  Im think of also doing some light weight or joining a gym

Anyway i had always thought of myself as a strong build even if a wasnt slim but looking at recent photos of myself ive come to realise ive become quite the fatty, ad something that i would have poked fun at a few years ago.  people have mentioned that i look strong in old facebook photos and i hadnt really noticed there was any dfference until recently,  I think i was deluding myself a little cause whenever i look in a mirror all i basically see is a godly vision of perfectlion.  After some poor exams results i think i need to make some changes to my lifestyle.  so i guess we will see where this goes.  hopefully better than last time.


  1. Should join the gym with Ryan, Mani, Richard and etc. when they return too. People tend to wanna give up when they're working on their own (thats what I find) when all your mates are lazy faggots so going to the gym with others might remove some of that lazinesss~

